Nude beaches Crete

Are you asking about Crete as a destination for nudists or maybe wonder about nude beaches Crete? If so, yes! Crete is a fantastic place for naturists, with plenty of secluded beaches and naturist-friendly accommodations.

Some of extraordinary nude beaches Crete:

Ammoudaki Beach, also known as Mikro Ammoudi,

Extraordinary nude beaches crete                         

is a renowned nudist beach located near Plakias on the southern coast of Crete, approximately 32 kilometers south of Rethymno. This small, picturesque cove measures about 50 by 35 meters and is characterized by its stunning white coarse sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters.

The beach is well-equipped for visitors, offering sunbeds and umbrellas for hire, as well as a small canteen providing refreshments. Despite its popularity among nudists, Ammoudaki maintains a tranquil atmosphere, making it an ideal spot for those seeking relaxation away from more crowded beaches.

For the more adventurous, the west side of the beach features a marine cave where sunlight creates a vivid blue water effect. Additionally, there’s an underwater tunnel connecting Ammoudaki to the neighboring Klisidi Beach; however, this should only be attempted by strong swimmers and when the sea is calm.

Access to Ammoudaki Beach is straightforward. Visitors can drive towards Lefkogeia village, take the right exit to Damnoni Beach, and at the end of Damnoni, turn onto a dirt road leading to a small car park. From there, a short walk down steps brings you directly to the beach.

In summary, Ammoudaki Beach offers a serene and beautiful environment for those interested in a naturist-friendly beach experience on the southern coast of Crete.


Kokkini Ammos

Extraordinary nude beaches crete 

also known as Red Beach, is a secluded and picturesque beach located approximately 68 kilometers southwest of Heraklion and about 800 meters south of the renowned resort town of Matala on the southern coast of Crete. The beach is famed for its distinctive reddish sand, a result of the unique geological composition of the area, which contrasts strikingly with the turquoise waters of the Libyan Sea.

Accessing Kokkini Ammos

Reaching Kokkini Ammos requires a bit of effort, contributing to its secluded and tranquil atmosphere. Visitors can embark on a hiking trail that begins north of Matala, crossing the hill known as Kastri. This path involves some initial rock climbing and a steep descent toward the end but is generally manageable for those in good physical condition. The hike typically takes between 15 to 25 minutes and offers stunning panoramic views, especially rewarding at sunset. Alternatively, for those preferring to avoid the hike, small boats are available from the Matala harbor, offering a short trip to the beach for a modest fee.

Beach Characteristics and Amenities

Kokkini Ammos is characterized by its reddish sand and clear blue-green waters, creating a unique and visually appealing landscape. The beach is relatively undeveloped, maintaining its natural charm. Facilities are minimal, with a simple stone-built coffee shop that operates occasionally, offering refreshments and light snacks. A few umbrellas and sunbeds are available for hire, but it’s advisable for visitors to bring their own mats and umbrellas, as natural shade is limited to a couple of tamarisk trees near the canteen. The beach is also exposed to western winds, which can result in impressive waves, so caution is advised during such conditions.

Nudism and Cultural Significance

Since the 1960s and 70s, Kokkini Ammos has been a favored spot for the hippie community, a legacy that continues today with the beach being recognized as one of the world’s top nudist-friendly beaches. Nudism is particularly common in the northern part of the beach, but all visitors can enjoy the serene environment regardless of their preferences. The area is also protected under the Natura 2000 program due to its ecological importance.

Artistic Features

An interesting aspect of Kokkini Ammos is the presence of rock carvings depicting Minoan and Egyptian sea figures. These sculptures are the work of Gerard, a Belgian artist and admirer of Matala, and have become an integral part of the beach’s unique character.


Kokkini Ammos offers a tranquil and natural beach experience, distinct from more commercialized tourist spots. Its unique red sands, clear waters, and secluded location make it a worthwhile destination for those seeking relaxation and natural beauty. However, potential visitors should be prepared for the hike required to access the beach and the limited facilities available.


Сеитан Лиманиа – Западни Крит

Ова прелепа плажа у северозападном делу острва у близини Ханије је скривени драгуљ. Иако званично није нудистичка плажа, позната је по свом удаљеном окружењу и чињеници да се многи посетиоци одлучују да овде иду голи због своје осамљене природе.

Плажа Херсонисос (Франгокастело) - Јужни Крит

Франгокастело је мирнија област на југу Крита, позната по чистој води и прелепом песку. Нудисти често посећују изолованије делове ове плаже.

Плажа Воулисма - источни Крит

Плажа Воулисма се налази на североисточној обали острва у близини Агиос Николаоса. Ова плажа је позната по свом златном песку и чистој води, са делом који је скровитији и посећују нудисти.

Плажа Плакиас - Јужни Крит

Смештена у близини села Плакиас на југу, ова плажа је популарна дестинација за нудисте. Његове осамљене увале и кристално чисто море чине га идеалним местом за оне који траже приватност и слободу.

Палм Беацх (Ваи Беацх) - источни Крит

Док је плажа Ваи позната по својој шуми палми, постоје њени делови где нудисти могу уживати у сунцу и мору у приватнијем окружењу.

Плажа Агиос Павлос - Јужни Крит

Ова плажа се налази у близини села Агиос Павлос на југу острва, познатог по прелепом пејзажу и осамљеној природи. Нудисти често посећују плажу због њене релативно изоловане локације.

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