克里特島音樂節 - 克里特島雷斯蒙的夜生活

Live Traditional Cretan Music in Rethymno


Here’s how you can enjoy Live Cretan music in Rethymno

  1. 當地的小酒館和餐館:雷斯蒙的許多小酒館和餐廳都會舉辦現場音樂表演,包括克里特島音樂。這些活動通常由當地音樂家演奏傳統的克里特樂器,如七弦琴、魯特琴和曼陀林。請諮詢舊城區或海濱的場所,看看他們是否安排了現場音樂之夜。
  2. 雷斯蒙福爾泰扎:雷斯蒙福爾泰扎 (Fortezza of Rethymno) 是一座歷史悠久的堡壘,偶爾會舉辦文化活動和音樂會。查看當地的活動清單或諮詢要塞當局,以了解您訪問期間是否安排了任何克里特島音樂表演。
  3. 當地節日:雷斯蒙全年舉辦多個節慶和文化活動。這些節日通常包括傳統的克里特音樂和舞蹈表演作為其節目的一部分。請務必檢查節日日曆,看看是否有任何音樂活動與您的訪問相符。
  4. 文化中心和劇院:埃羅菲利劇院和雷斯蒙市立花園劇院是雷斯蒙的文化場所,有時會舉辦音樂活動,包括克里特島音樂會。請密切注意他們即將舉行的演出的時間表。
  5. 當地音樂學校和工作坊:雷斯蒙的一些音樂學校和文化組織提供以克里特音樂為特色的研討會和音樂會。這些活動可以讓您深入了解該地區的傳統樂器和音樂。
  6. 音樂節:克里特島作為一個整體,舉辦各種音樂節,展示各種音樂流派,包括傳統的克里特音樂。雖然這些節日不是雷斯蒙特有的,但它們可以提供一個在節日環境中體驗正宗克里特島音樂的絕佳機會。
  7. 當地宣傳海報和傳單:留意城鎮周圍的海報、傳單和公告。這些宣傳資料通常會宣傳即將舉行的音樂會和活動,包括克里特島音樂表演。

Live Cretan music in Rethymno

Here is some place we recommend for live music

Poliou House
Asteri, Greece
Located in the village of Asteri, approximately 14 kilometers east of Rethymno, Poliou House hosts musical evenings every Thursday at 8:00 PM from May to October. Guests can savor traditional Cretan dishes cooked in a wood-burning oven while enjoying live music and performances by professional dancers.


Live Cretan music in Rethymno

Rethymno Municipal Garden Theater

The Rethymno Municipal Garden Theater, also known as the Erofili Theatre, is a prominent open-air venue located within the Fortezza fortress in Rethymno, Crete. This historic theater frequently hosts a variety of cultural events, including performances of traditional Cretan music.

For the most current information on upcoming events at the Erofili Theatre, I recommend visiting the official website of the Municipality of Rethymno. They maintain a cultural events calendar that provides details on scheduled performances, festivals, and other cultural activities in the area.

Attending a live Cretan music performance is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the island’s rich cultural heritage, and Rethymno offers numerous opportunities to experience this vibrant tradition.

Live Cretan music in Rethymno

Cosmiko Kentro Mythos

Cosmiko Kentro Mythos is located in Adelianos Kampos, Rethymno, and is well known for hosting live music nights. 

For more information about upcoming events and reservations, you can visit their Facebook page or contact them by phone at +30 2831 071565

Live Cretan music in Rethymno




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